Domains supported by the Expired Domain Crawler

Domains supported by the PBN Lab Expired Domain CrawlerA vital step of the process when crawling for expired domains, is validating domain availability, so I can be 100% certain that it’s available right now for hand-registration with any domain registrar.

See the the complete list of 1200+ domains supported by the domain crawler below.

Last updated: 17th January 2017.

Supported Domains:

Domains with the following TLDs are supported:

  • .abbvie
  • .abogado
  • .abudhabi
  • .ac
  • .academy
  • .accountants
  • .aco
  • .active
  • .actor
  • .ad
  • .adac
  • .ads
  • .adult
  • .ae
  • .aeg
  • .aero
  • .af
  • .afl
  • .ag
  • .agakhan
  • .agency
  • .airbus
  • .airforce
  • .airtel
  • .akdn
  • .allfinanz
  • .ally
  • .alsace
  • .alstom
  • .am
  • .amsterdam
  • .android
  • .anquan
  • .anz
  • .apartments
  • .app
  • .apple
  • .aq
  • .aquarelle
  • .archi
  • .army
  • .arpa
  • .art
  • .arte
  • .as
  • .asia
  • .associates
  • .at
  • .attorney
  • .au
  • .auction
  • .audi
  • .audio
  • .auto
  • .autos
  • .avianca
  • .aw
  • .baidu
  • .band
  • .bank
  • .bar
  • .barcelona
  • .barclaycard
  • .barefoot
  • .bargains
  • .bauhaus
  • .bbc
  • .bbva
  • .bcg
  • .bcn
  • .be
  • .beats
  • .beer
  • .bentley
  • .berlin
  • .best
  • .bet
  • .bg
  • .bi
  • .bid
  • .bike
  • .bingo
  • .bio
  • .biz
  • .bj
  • .black
  • .blackfriday
  • .blanco
  • .blog
  • .blue
  • .bms
  • .bn
  • .bnl
  • .bnpparibas
  • .boats
  • .boehringer
  • .bom
  • .bond
  • .boo
  • .boots
  • .bosch
  • .bostik
  • .boutique
  • .br
  • .broker
  • .brother
  • .brussels
  • .bugatti
  • .build
  • .builders
  • .business
  • .buy
  • .buzz
  • .bw
  • .by
  • .bz
  • .bzh
  • .ca
  • .cab
  • .cafe
  • .cal
  • .cam
  • .camera
  • .camp
  • .cancerresearch
  • .canon
  • .capetown
  • .capital
  • .car
  • .cards
  • .care
  • .career
  • .careers
  • .cars
  • .casa
  • .cash
  • .casino
  • .cat
  • .catering
  • .cba
  • .cc
  • .cd
  • .ceb
  • .center
  • .ceo
  • .cern
  • .cf
  • .cfa
  • .cfd
  • .cg
  • .ch
  • .chanel
  • .channel
  • .chat
  • .cheap
  • .chintai
  • .christmas
  • .chrome
  • .church
  • .ci
  • .cipriani
  • .city
  • .cityeats
  • .cl
  • .claims
  • .cleaning
  • .click
  • .clinic
  • .clinique
  • .clothing
  • .cloud
  • .club
  • .clubmed
  • .cm
  • .cn
  • .co
  • (without live availability unfortunately)
  • .coach
  • .codes
  • .coffee
  • .college
  • .cologne
  • .com
  • .commbank
  • .community
  • .company
  • .compare
  • .computer
  • .comsec
  • .condos
  • .construction
  • .consulting
  • .contractors
  • .cooking
  • .cookingchannel
  • .cool
  • .corsica
  • .country
  • .coupons
  • .courses
  • .credit
  • .creditcard
  • .creditunion
  • .cricket
  • .cruises
  • .csc
  • .cuisinella
  • .cx
  • .cymru
  • .dabur
  • .dad
  • .dance
  • .date
  • .dating
  • .datsun
  • .day
  • .dclk
  • .dds
  • .de
  • .deals
  • .degree
  • .delivery
  • .deloitte
  • .democrat
  • .dental
  • .dentist
  • .desi
  • .design
  • .diamonds
  • .diet
  • .digital
  • .direct
  • .directory
  • .discount
  • .dj
  • .dk
  • .dm
  • .dog
  • .doha
  • .domains
  • .doosan
  • .dot
  • .download
  • .dtv
  • .dubai
  • .dunlop
  • .durban
  • .dvag
  • .dz
  • .ec
  • .edeka
  • .edu
  • .education
  • .ee
  • .email
  • .emerck
  • .energy
  • .engineer
  • .engineering
  • .enterprises
  • .epson
  • .equipment
  • .ericsson
  • .erni
  • .es
  • .estate
  • .eu
  • .eurovision
  • .eus
  • .events
  • .everbank
  • .exchange
  • .expert
  • .exposed
  • .express
  • .extraspace
  • .fage
  • .fail
  • .fairwinds
  • .faith
  • .family
  • .fan
  • .fans
  • .farm
  • .fashion
  • .fedex
  • .feedback
  • .fi
  • .film
  • .final
  • .finance
  • .financial
  • .firmdale
  • .fish
  • .fishing
  • .fit
  • .fitness
  • .fj
  • .flights
  • .florist
  • .flowers
  • .flsmidth
  • .fm
  • .fo
  • .foodnetwork
  • .football
  • .forex
  • .forsale
  • .forum
  • .foundation
  • .fr
  • .fresenius
  • .frl
  • .frogans
  • .frontdoor
  • .fund
  • .furniture
  • .futbol
  • .fyi
  • .gal
  • .gallery
  • .gallo
  • .gallup
  • .game
  • .games
  • .garden
  • .gd
  • .gdn
  • .gea
  • .gent
  • .genting
  • .gg
  • .ggee
  • .gi
  • .gift
  • .gifts
  • .gives
  • .giving
  • .gl
  • .glass
  • .global
  • .globo
  • .gmbh
  • .gmx
  • .gold
  • .goldpoint
  • .golf
  • .goo
  • .goodyear
  • .gov
  • .gp
  • .gq
  • .gr
  • .graphics
  • .gratis
  • .green
  • .gripe
  • .group
  • .gs
  • .guide
  • .guitars
  • .guru
  • .gy
  • .hamburg
  • .haus
  • .hdfcbank
  • .healthcare
  • .help
  • .helsinki
  • .hermes
  • .hgtv
  • .hiphop
  • .hisamitsu
  • .hitachi
  • .hk
  • .hkt
  • .hm
  • .hn
  • .hockey
  • .holdings
  • .holiday
  • .homedepot
  • .homes
  • .honda
  • .horse
  • .host
  • .hosting
  • .house
  • .hr
  • .ht
  • .hu
  • .hyundai
  • .ibm
  • .ice
  • .id
  • .ie
  • .ifm
  • .iinet
  • .ikano
  • .il
  • .im
  • .imamat
  • .immo
  • .immobilien
  • .in
  • .industries
  • .infiniti
  • .info
  • .ink
  • .institute
  • .insurance
  • .insure
  • .int
  • .international
  • .investments
  • .io
  • .ir
  • .irish
  • .is
  • .iselect
  • .ismaili
  • .ist
  • .istanbul
  • .it
  • .itv
  • .jaguar
  • .java
  • .jcb
  • .jcp
  • .je
  • .jetzt
  • .jewelry
  • .jll
  • .jobs
  • .joburg
  • .jp
  • .juegos
  • .kaufen
  • .kddi
  • .ke
  • .kerryhotels
  • .kerrylogistics
  • .kerryproperties
  • .ki
  • .kia
  • .kim
  • .kitchen
  • .kiwi
  • .kn
  • .koeln
  • .kosher
  • .kr
  • .krd
  • .kred
  • .kuokgroup
  • .ky
  • .kyoto
  • .kz
  • .la
  • .lacaixa
  • .lamborghini
  • .lamer
  • .lancaster
  • .land
  • .landrover
  • .lasalle
  • .lat
  • .latrobe
  • .law
  • .lawyer
  • .lc
  • .lease
  • .leclerc
  • .legal
  • .lego
  • .lexus
  • .lgbt
  • .li
  • .liaison
  • .lidl
  • .life
  • .lifestyle
  • .lighting
  • .limited
  • .limo
  • .linde
  • .link
  • .lipsy
  • .live
  • .lixil
  • .loan
  • .loans
  • .locker
  • .locus
  • .lol
  • .london
  • .lotte
  • .lotto
  • .love
  • .lt
  • .ltd
  • .ltda
  • .lu
  • .luxe
  • .luxury
  • .lv
  • .ly
  • .ma
  • .madrid
  • .maison
  • .makeup
  • .man
  • .management
  • .mango
  • .market
  • .marketing
  • .markets
  • .marriott
  • .mba
  • .me
  • .med
  • .media
  • .meet
  • .melbourne
  • .memorial
  • .men
  • .menu
  • .metlife
  • .mg
  • .miami
  • .mil
  • .mini
  • .mk
  • .ml
  • .mls
  • .mn
  • .mo
  • .mobi
  • .moda
  • .moe
  • .mom
  • .monash
  • .money
  • .mortgage
  • .moscow
  • .motorcycles
  • .mov
  • .movie
  • .movistar
  • .ms
  • .mtn
  • .mtpc
  • .mtr
  • .mu
  • .museum
  • .mutuelle
  • .mx
  • .mz
  • .na
  • .nadex
  • .nagoya
  • .name
  • .natura
  • .navy
  • .nc
  • .nec
  • .net
  • .netbank
  • .network
  • .news
  • .next
  • .nextdirect
  • .nf
  • .ng
  • .ngo
  • .nico
  • .ninja
  • .nissay
  • .no
  • .nokia
  • .norton
  • .nowruz
  • .nowtv
  • .nra
  • .nrw
  • .nu
  • .nyc
  • .nz
  • .obi
  • .okinawa
  • .olayan
  • .olayangroup
  • .ollo
  • .om
  • .omega
  • .one
  • .ong
  • .onl
  • .online
  • .ooo
  • .oracle
  • .orange
  • .org
  • .organic
  • .origins
  • .osaka
  • .ott
  • .ovh
  • .paris
  • .pars
  • .partners
  • .parts
  • .party
  • .pccw
  • .pe
  • .pet
  • .pf
  • .philips
  • .photo
  • .photography
  • .photos
  • .physio
  • .pics
  • .pictures
  • .pid
  • .pink
  • .pioneer
  • .pizza
  • .place
  • .play
  • .plumbing
  • .plus
  • .pm
  • .pnc
  • .pohl
  • .poker
  • .politie
  • .porn
  • .post
  • .pr
  • .press
  • .pro
  • .prod
  • .productions
  • .prof
  • .promo
  • .properties
  • .property
  • .protection
  • .ps
  • .pt
  • .pub
  • .pw
  • .pwc
  • .qa
  • .qpon
  • .quebec
  • .quest
  • .racing
  • .re
  • .realestate
  • .realty
  • .recipes
  • .red
  • .redstone
  • .redumbrella
  • .rehab
  • .reise
  • .reisen
  • .reit
  • .rentals
  • .repair
  • .report
  • .republican
  • .rest
  • .restaurant
  • .review
  • .reviews
  • .rexroth
  • .rich
  • .richardli
  • .ricoh
  • .rio
  • .rip
  • .ro
  • .rocks
  • .rodeo
  • .rs
  • .rsvp
  • .ru
  • .ruhr
  • .run
  • .rw
  • .rwe
  • .sa
  • .saarland
  • .sale
  • .salon
  • .sandvik
  • .sandvikcoromant
  • .sanofi
  • .sap
  • .sarl
  • .saxo
  • .sb
  • .sbi
  • .sbs
  • .sc
  • .sca
  • .scb
  • .schaeffler
  • .schmidt
  • .school
  • .schule
  • .schwarz
  • .science
  • .scor
  • .scot
  • .se
  • .seat
  • .seek
  • .select
  • .services
  • .seven
  • .sew
  • .sex
  • .sexy
  • .sfr
  • .sg
  • .sh
  • .shangrila
  • .sharp
  • .shaw
  • .shell
  • .shia
  • .shiksha
  • .shoes
  • .shopping
  • .shouji
  • .show
  • .shriram
  • .si
  • .sina
  • .singles
  • .sk
  • .ski
  • .skin
  • .sky
  • .sl
  • .sm
  • .sn
  • .sncf
  • .so
  • .soccer
  • .social
  • .softbank
  • .software
  • .sohu
  • .solar
  • .solutions
  • .soy
  • .space
  • .spiegel
  • .spreadbetting
  • .srl
  • .st
  • .stada
  • .star
  • .starhub
  • .statebank
  • .statoil
  • .stc
  • .stockholm
  • .storage
  • .store
  • .studio
  • .study
  • .style
  • .su
  • .sucks
  • .supplies
  • .supply
  • .support
  • .surf
  • .surgery
  • .sv
  • .swatch
  • .swiss
  • .sx
  • .sy
  • .systems
  • .tab
  • .taipei
  • .tatar
  • .tattoo
  • .tax
  • .taxi
  • .tc
  • .tci
  • .tdk
  • .team
  • .tech
  • .technology
  • .tel
  • .telecity
  • .telefonica
  • .temasek
  • .tennis
  • .teva
  • .tf
  • .tg
  • .th
  • .theater
  • .theatre
  • .tickets
  • .tienda
  • .tiffany
  • .tips
  • .tires
  • .tirol
  • .tl
  • .tm
  • .to
  • .today
  • .tokyo
  • .tools
  • .top
  • .toray
  • .toshiba
  • .total
  • .tours
  • .town
  • .toyota
  • .toys
  • .trade
  • .trading
  • .training
  • .travel
  • .travelchannel
  • .travelers
  • .travelersinsurance
  • .trust
  • .trv
  • .tui
  • .tv
  • .tvs
  • .tw
  • .tz
  • .ubs
  • .ug
  • .uk
  • .university
  • .uno
  • .uol
  • .ups
  • .us
  • .uy
  • .uz
  • .vacation
  • .vacations
  • .vana
  • .vc
  • .ve
  • .vegas
  • .ventures
  • .vermögensberater
  • .vermögensberatung
  • .versicherung
  • .vet
  • .vg
  • .viajes
  • .video
  • .vig
  • .viking
  • .villas
  • .vin
  • .vip
  • .virgin
  • .vision
  • .vista
  • .viva
  • .vlaanderen
  • .vodka
  • .vote
  • .voting
  • .voto
  • .voyage
  • .vu
  • .wales
  • .walter
  • .wang
  • .warman
  • .watch
  • .webcam
  • .weber
  • .website
  • .wed
  • .wedding
  • .wf
  • .whoswho
  • .wien
  • .wiki
  • .win
  • .wine
  • .wme
  • .wolterskluwer
  • .woodside
  • .work
  • .works
  • .world
  • .ws
  • .wtc
  • .wtf
  • .xerox
  • .xihuan
  • .xin
  • .xn--3ds443g
  • .xn--6frz82g
  • .xn--fiq228c5hs
  • .xxx
  • .xyz
  • .yachts
  • .yodobashi
  • .yoga
  • .yt
  • .yun
  • .zara
  • .zip
  • .zm
  • .zone
  • .zuerich


  1. Hi Scot

    It ll be awesome for me if the tool could do the job for foreign site as websites from Greece,this is very important,because at this time there are many foreign language SEOs that ll find PBNL an unique and awesome needed tool to create their own Local Blog Network!Additional the field that you can put relevant keywords that ll be awesome if can it work with foreign keywords too

    Waiting to test this Weapon

    Cheers from Greece

  2. Thanks Scott. This post has helped me to understand why when I do searches for example on I haven’t found South African domains. I would vote for having the option to see the other geographic TLD’s especially if the false positive rate was only 10%. Maybe ad this as a filter option in the dashboard to display these non-100% certainty domains. Who knows what gems are hiding out there 😉

    • Hey Gary!

      Added support for today, with 100% accuracy for availability.


  3. Will you be adding support for .dk domains?

    • Hi Jacob,

      In an upcoming release, there will be support for every single TLD or domain available. And it will be something you can configure yourself on the dashboard.

      I’ll be in touch directly on email to explain more.


  4. Hi

    My request is a little different from the ones above, I would like to see a feature that allowed my to select the TLDs I was interested in getting back before a search.
    I imagine most people are only interested in a handful of the TLDs on offer, the ones relevant to the countries they work in, such as or .gr and the big internationals such as .com, .org & .net

    If before the crawl I could choose just the ones I was interested in would this make the crawl quicker and less resource intensive as you would not need to check the status of any URL that did not match my pre-selected TLDs.

    PS I am very much enjoying using PBNlabs and the above is only a suggestion for possible future features not a complaint that I have loads of expired domains to check out 🙂

    • Hey Sean!

      Thanks for the great feedback.

      I think you’re spot on, and you’ll be happy to know that this is actually on the development road-map to be included in a future release! =)

      I’ll keep you in the loop as this comes to fruition.


  5. How about support on and .sg domain names?

    • Hi Kenneth,

      There is support right now for .sg.

      Both and .sg will be officially supported by v4 of PBN Lab, set for release this month!


  6. How about support on and .br domain names?

    • These domains are now fully supported, with live availability.

  7. Hi Scott, any chance of adding .pt and other Portuguese domain names?

    • Portuguese domains are now fully supported, with live availability.

  8. Almost all domain extensions are supported. That is nice.


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