Domains supported by the Expired Domain Crawler

Domains supported by the Expired Domain Crawler

A vital step of the process when crawling for expired domains, is validating domain availability, so I can be 100% certain that it’s available right now for hand-registration with any domain registrar. See the the complete list of 1200+ domains supported by the domain crawler below. Last updated: 17th January 2017. Supported Domains: Domains with the following TLDs are supported: .abbvie .abogado .abudhabi .ac .academy .accountants .aco .active .actor .ad .adac .ads .adult .ae .aeg .aero .af .afl .ag .agakhan .agency .airbus .airforce .airtel .akdn .allfinanz .ally .alsace .alstom .am .amsterdam .android .anquan .anz .apartments .app .apple .aq .aquarelle .archi .army .arpa .art .arte .as .asia .associates .at .attorney .au .auction .audi .audio .auto .autos .avianca .aw .baidu .band .bank .bar .barcelona .barclaycard .barefoot .bargains .bauhaus .bbc .bbva .bcg .bcn .be .beats .beer .bentley .berlin .best .bet .bg .bi .bid .bike .bingo .bio .biz .bj .black .blackfriday .blanco .blog .blue .bms .bn .bnl .bnpparibas .boats .boehringer .bom .bond .boo .boots .bosch .bostik .boutique .br .broker .brother .brussels .bugatti .build .builders .business .buy .buzz .bw .by .bz .bzh .ca .cab .cafe .cal .cam .camera .camp .cancerresearch .canon .capetown .capital .car .cards .care .career .careers .cars .casa .cash .casino .cat .catering .cba .cc .cd .ceb .center .ceo .cern .cf .cfa .cfd .cg .ch .chanel .channel .chat .cheap .chintai .christmas .chrome .church .ci .cipriani .city .cityeats .cl .claims .cleaning .click .clinic .clinique .clothing .cloud .club .clubmed .cm .cn .co